Agency - Upgrading and Plans

Plans for your clients work exactly like normal feedback link plans. By adding a new client account, a new 14-day trial plan is automatically created for that client. You can then upgrade that client's account as per normal, under "Settings > Billing & Plan".  Of course, the trial allows you to "test" the product with your client, and see if it's a fit for their needs.

Revenue Split & Billing

We offer equitable percentage-based (%) discount on our monthly subscriptions to agency partners. We see this as a "revenue split" on our normal subscriptions, since the client is sourced and managed by the agency partner. 

  • This means that you bill the client directly, in whatever schedule or amount you deem appropriate.
  • Your discounted subscriptions will all be added to one invoice, billed at one specific day of the month (usually when you've subscribed your first client).
  • Your discounted client subscriptions are all pro-rated and securely calculated and managed by Stripe.

Special Plans and Deal Codes

  • You may also upgrade your client plans using a special partner or coupon code (this include LTDs).

Upgrade client with revenue split discount, or enter a coupon/deal code.

Percentage discounts are shown under "Billing & Plan".